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specyfikacja izoalcji Aluthermo Quatro

Data dodania: 2008-10-19
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L’Aluthermo Quattro®

Aluthermo Quattro® is the first thin, multi-reflector, multi-layer insulation system with all surfaces fully thermally welded together.

Aluthermo Quattro® consists of two 30-micron thick outer layers of polished and anti oxidation treated pure aluminium separated by two honeycombed layers of air bubbles enclosed inside a fire-retardant polyethylene film, together with two extra layers of pure aluminium foil and a fire-retardant and water-repellent polyethylene foam.

Aluthermo Quattro® provides an almost impenetrable barrier against infrared radiation in both summer and winter.


The obtained complex is semi-rigid and consists of the following successive layers:

  1. A layer of pure aluminium foil, 30 microns thick, treated against oxidation
  2. A layer of dry air bubbles enclosed in fire-retardant polyethylene
  3. A layer of pure aluminium foil treated against oxidation
  4. A fire-retardant and water-repellent polyethylene foam
  5. A layer of pure aluminium foil treated against oxidation
  6. A layer of dry air bubbles enclosed in fire-retardant polyethylene
  7. A layer of pure aluminium foil, 30 microns thick, treated against oxidation

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